Would Ghandi have known himself without the British Empire? Did the British Empire not make the emergence of Ghandi possible? Would there have been a Ghandi without the British Empire? Contemplate that.
As a wise friend said to me: “We climb the same way up the mountain we fell down.” The falling down is seeking the illusion of separation from source consciousness as symbolized in the biting of the apple as it is metaphorically described in the bible. The “original sin” is in truth not sinful but required. The whole belief structure containing ideas of shame and guilt is therefore a misinterpretation. In order for source to know itself it needs to trap itself temporarily in a limited perspective to experience the ultimate from a limited view, as such to get to know itself through the illusion of not being source. This is the purpose of the ego. The “original sin” is not a sin but a desire of source to see its own reflection. For that the illusion of matter and spacetime is used. Since source is neither matter nor trapped in time, those limitations serve as a mirror to the ultimate self which can only know itself through the contrast.
In order for this illusion to be complete, source needs to have amnesia when latching on to a physical vehicle which we call birth. It wants to experience itself from the view of a singular person even though within its oneness it is plural and singular at the same time.
Our amnesia, which is in this game by design, allows us to be ignorant towards our true nature. As such the ‘free will’ illusion is created. This free will illusion is based on a universal loving principle. Within love all expressions of self are allowed.
Since source is love, even the principles of darkness, death, suffering, pain are ultimately loving. Again: Only through limitations can the ultimate be realized as its immediate contrast.
Even the perceived absence of love teaches you about love. Because once you realize love as ultimate reality you will do so also in contrast to the illusion of its absence. Therefore recognition of love becomes possible.
In what ways can source know itself? Source has created the illusion of ego
so it can pretend not to be itself, which is inherently playful. One of the biggest acts it can put on is the illusion of evil. Evil is simply distorted love. Though you might not be able to recognize it, within the illusion of evil the principle of love is hidden since “evil” allows you to recognize love through the contrast.
Remember a great hero story? Would the hero find wisdom, “slay the monster” (transcend the ego) and find love without a charismatic villain that is essential for the story to make those discoveries possible? Does the villain through his pain and selfishness not show the glory and selflessness as its perceived opposite?
Can the hero know himself without facing the villain, which serves as a catalyst, to bring the light of consciousness forth from within? Within the cosmic game even the villain cannot help but to be a catalyst for the emergence of love and wisdom. The villain does not know his soul though he makes the soul of the hero more apparent and aids in its recognition.
Would Ghandi have known himself without the British Empire? Did the British Empire not make the emergence of Ghandi possible? Would there have been a Ghandi without the British Empire? Contemplate about that.
What if I tell you that you are the hero and the villain at the same time but you are unaware of it?
What if I tell you that the greatest teachers of humanity, when they were innocent and ignorant (which can be used as a synonyms in this context), were equally trapped in the illusion of matter and time as you were? What if I tell you that they too became egoistic and greedy because they were scared of the illusion of pain and death?
Every being of realized light has acted out violence, has killed, has tortured and when they learned, through the law of karma, they found their light and abandoned ignorance as they struggled up the mountain. They had to transmute all the karma to awaken to become Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu or Jesus Christ. And how amazed they must have been once they realized that they were never trapped but were instead the cause of all happenings once all ignorance was dispelled?
What we call evil, we call it so because we are ignorant/innocent. Evil is unrecognized light, the parts of us which we do not express love to and secretly reject. Everything you reject will show itself to you as an illusion which is a projection of your ignorance. The “evil” you see in the world is a projection of the conflict within yourself. What we reject we desire to eliminate. So, we try to kill our projections in the outer world. So, we are saying: ‘I am raised Christian. I have learned being Christian (Hindu, Muslim, Conservative, Libertarian, Communist, Capitalist, insert any arbitrary identity) is good.’
Since you might draw your identity (ego) from heritage and programming, which is labeled good, everything that does not match or cannot be integrated into this programming, suddenly becomes evil in your eyes.
As long as you believe in evil you are in truth in resistance to yourself. How could Jesus be so forgiving if he did not remember his own ignorance, the suffering he caused as a result of it, and therefore felt compassion towards those who were asleep? In order to realize himself as love he needed to forgive himself and love himself unconditionally.
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is letting go of all entanglement in memory which traps you in time. Drawing identity from memory is an investment in the story of space & time, so timeless self cannot be realized with that attachment.
You see, when you have memory of pain and it persists, then you have not yet been able to see that all beings that were involved in the painful memory could not have acted differently than their state of consciousness allowed them to at the time the memory of pain was created. When they do not know themselves, they cannot act as self and as such their confused actions cause pain. On the other hand they were all serving you, offering you catalyst to awaken to your own light.
Pain comes through the illusion of separation, since they felt separate they made you feel separateness. The answer lies in seeking union with all experiences.
Beings who cause pain are in a deep state of pain themselves. This is the wheel of karma.
Imagine: A man beats a woman, this woman gives birth to sons, once the sons become young adults, the woman starts punishing her sons unconsciously for expressing male traits. Those sons start unconsciously punishing their girlfriends for expressing female traits and the wheel of karma turns, you see? If you look for the cause of your suffering you cannot find it since the energy is thousands or even millions of years old. It was never personal, those who gave you pain were in pain. Because the collective is in pain. Do they not deserve compassion? They might blame their fathers and mothers, you might blame your father or your mother, so no one is touching the hot iron and delegates it unknowingly to the next generation to break the wheel of karma.
They were rejecting themselves because of past pain and teach their children to reject themselves.
Liberation from karma comes through full awakening to the present moment. Because when you realize your deeper consciousness, which exists outside of time, you see more clearly and are not trapped in the story. You go beyond identity and as such you are able to touch the hot iron and transmute karma here and now.
As a wise friend said to me: “We climb the same way up the mountain we fell down.” The falling down is seeking the illusion of separation from source consciousness as symbolized in the biting of the apple as it is metaphorically described in the bible. The “original sin” is in truth not sinful but required. The whole belief structure containing ideas of shame and guilt is therefore a misinterpretation. In order for source to know itself it needs to trap itself temporarily in a limited perspective to experience the ultimate from a limited view, as such to get to know itself through the illusion of not being source. This is the purpose of the ego. The “original sin” is not a sin but a desire of source to see its own reflection. For that the illusion of matter and spacetime is used. Since source is neither matter nor trapped in time, those limitations serve as a mirror to the ultimate self which can only know itself through the contrast.
In order for this illusion to be complete, source needs to have amnesia when latching on to a physical vehicle which we call birth. It wants to experience itself from the view of a singular person even though within its oneness it is plural and singular at the same time.
Our amnesia, which is in this game by design, allows us to be ignorant towards our true nature. As such the ‘free will’ illusion is created. This free will illusion is based on a universal loving principle. Within love all expressions of self are allowed.
Since source is love, even the principles of darkness, death, suffering, pain are ultimately loving. Again: Only through limitations can the ultimate be realized as its immediate contrast.
Even the perceived absence of love teaches you about love. Because once you realize love as ultimate reality you will do so also in contrast to the illusion of its absence. Therefore recognition of love becomes possible.
In what ways can source know itself? Source has created the illusion of ego
so it can pretend not to be itself, which is inherently playful. One of the biggest acts it can put on is the illusion of evil. Evil is simply distorted love. Though you might not be able to recognize it, within the illusion of evil the principle of love is hidden since “evil” allows you to recognize love through the contrast.
Remember a great hero story? Would the hero find wisdom, “slay the monster” (transcend the ego) and find love without a charismatic villain that is essential for the story to make those discoveries possible? Does the villain through his pain and selfishness not show the glory and selflessness as its perceived opposite?
Can the hero know himself without facing the villain, which serves as a catalyst, to bring the light of consciousness forth from within? Within the cosmic game even the villain cannot help but to be a catalyst for the emergence of love and wisdom. The villain does not know his soul though he makes the soul of the hero more apparent and aids in its recognition.
Would Ghandi have known himself without the British Empire? Did the British Empire not make the emergence of Ghandi possible? Would there have been a Ghandi without the British Empire? Contemplate about that.
What if I tell you that you are the hero and the villain at the same time but you are unaware of it?
What if I tell you that the greatest teachers of humanity, when they were innocent and ignorant (which can be used as a synonyms in this context), were equally trapped in the illusion of matter and time as you were? What if I tell you that they too became egoistic and greedy because they were scared of the illusion of pain and death?
Every being of realized light has acted out violence, has killed, has tortured and when they learned, through the law of karma, they found their light and abandoned ignorance as they struggled up the mountain. They had to transmute all the karma to awaken to become Gautama Buddha, Lao Tzu or Jesus Christ. And how amazed they must have been once they realized that they were never trapped but were instead the cause of all happenings once all ignorance was dispelled?
What we call evil, we call it so because we are ignorant/innocent. Evil is unrecognized light, the parts of us which we do not express love to and secretly reject. Everything you reject will show itself to you as an illusion which is a projection of your ignorance. The “evil” you see in the world is a projection of the conflict within yourself. What we reject we desire to eliminate. So, we try to kill our projections in the outer world. So, we are saying: ‘I am raised Christian. I have learned being Christian (Hindu, Muslim, Conservative, Libertarian, Communist, Capitalist, insert any arbitrary identity) is good.’
Since you might draw your identity (ego) from heritage and programming, which is labeled good, everything that does not match or cannot be integrated into this programming, suddenly becomes evil in your eyes.
As long as you believe in evil you are in truth in resistance to yourself. How could Jesus be so forgiving if he did not remember his own ignorance, the suffering he caused as a result of it, and therefore felt compassion towards those who were asleep? In order to realize himself as love he needed to forgive himself and love himself unconditionally.
What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is letting go of all entanglement in memory which traps you in time. Drawing identity from memory is an investment in the story of space & time, so timeless self cannot be realized with that attachment.
You see, when you have memory of pain and it persists, then you have not yet been able to see that all beings that were involved in the painful memory could not have acted differently than their state of consciousness allowed them to at the time the memory of pain was created. When they do not know themselves, they cannot act as self and as such their confused actions cause pain. On the other hand they were all serving you, offering you catalyst to awaken to your own light.
Pain comes through the illusion of separation, since they felt separate they made you feel separateness. The answer lies in seeking union with all experiences.
Beings who cause pain are in a deep state of pain themselves. This is the wheel of karma.
Imagine: A man beats a woman, this woman gives birth to sons, once the sons become young adults, the woman starts punishing her sons unconsciously for expressing male traits. Those sons start unconsciously punishing their girlfriends for expressing female traits and the wheel of karma turns, you see? If you look for the cause of your suffering you cannot find it since the energy is thousands or even millions of years old. It was never personal, those who gave you pain were in pain. Because the collective is in pain. Do they not deserve compassion? They might blame their fathers and mothers, you might blame your father or your mother, so no one is touching the hot iron and delegates it unknowingly to the next generation to break the wheel of karma.
They were rejecting themselves because of past pain and teach their children to reject themselves.
Liberation from karma comes through full awakening to the present moment. Because when you realize your deeper consciousness, which exists outside of time, you see more clearly and are not trapped in the story. You go beyond identity and as such you are able to touch the hot iron and transmute karma here and now.
From Beyond Psychotherapy: The Laughing God Behind the Masks – Chapter 14