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One contains all and is contained by all. One can only meet oneself. When you connect with other hearts, you can truly only connect to the core of cores which is your own heart.

Julian Polzin

There is only one heart

Every human being has a heart vortex through which the God-breath moves and animates the form.

Except for human beings who have profoundly dark karma in which case the heart vortex is severely atrophied and alignment with the demonic has been sought consciously or unconsciously.

Dark matter then blocks the gateway. Beings who cannot be sustained by the divine breath because of their denial of God and refusal of love need to steal energy via predatory behavior from beings who have access to source via the heart to sustain themselves. Those who are in the dark can only receive source energy indirectly since the renunciation of God makes direct energy supply impossible.

To be clear: No being is beyond redemption, a heart can be restored through proper Karma Yoga and spiritual practice.

Now, even though all that is divinely animated has a heart vortex, it may appear as if there are many hearts. And yet all hearts draw their life force from the core of cores, the original heart at the center of God. This makes heart vortices an extension of the heart of God.

When we meditate on the heart, we connect with the center of all being. In fact, at the center of each vortex can be found a tiny black hole, which is the portal to the void, the I am, pure being which is the ultimate and indivisible.

From there all being is one. Since all souls are extensions of the one breathing cosmic heart, all hearts breath in God’s divine light and are a fractal of the core of cores.

Nobody can be outside of the heart for the heart contains all.

Though we appear to be outside of each other, we are in truth contained within the cosmic heart and exist therefore in everyone else.

The physical bodies that appear in front of us are projected outwards from our hearts but truly exist within them as essence.

Bodies are a metaphor for the essence that is seen in a juxtaposition via projection.

Everything happening without is contained within in the heart.

With such understanding, we see that being outside of God is impossible.

One contains all and is contained by all. One can only meet oneself. When you connect with other hearts, you can truly only connect to the core of cores which is your own heart.

Physical experience is a holographic reality projected from spirit into the illusion of externalization.

Therefore there are no others, there are only projections of one central truth of ultimate being in infinite diversity of fractals of the same indivisible nature.

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